Tips To Get your Brand Trending on Twitter

Be it local enterprises or big conglomerates, Twitter has been an important platform for all kinds of businesses. According to Hootsuite, “89% of people use Twitter to find new products.”

As a business marketing tool, Twitter has always been used by businesses to share the latest happenings in real time, and to connect with potential customers. However, compared to other social platforms, Twitter needs different efforts and strategies for your brand to be on the top. Short posts, friendly tone, planned hashtags, etc are some of the ways to get your brand noticed on the platform.

Here are some tried and tested tips to get your brand trending on Twitter –

  1. Make A ‘Good’ First Impression

How you introduce your brand is the first impression you make among the followers, so make sure to do it well.  To start with, the profile details should be updated with a concise bio that describes the brand perfectly. Furthermore, adding a link to your website would not just add to the credibility, but also can help get potential leads.

After the bio, the next important thing is the kind of tweets that you put out. It is recommended to use a combination of text, pictures and GIF formats for tweets. Only textual tweets will not have so much of an impact.

  1. Be Regular with Tweets

The best way to keep your brand trending? Tweet, retweet and repeat.

The audience is less likely to engage or follow a brand that isn’t active or is unable to share regular updates. Tweeting regularly is a strategic approach that will help reach out to the target audience. However, just tweeting from the brand’s end is not all – interaction and engagement is also important. Make sure you react or respond to the replies and initiate a conversation with the audience.

  1. Use trending hashtags

According to Social Pilot, ‘using 1-2 hashtags can get you 21% more engagement.’

Hashtags are crucial if you want to trend on Twitter. Adding trending hashtags in your tweets is one of the easiest and cost effective ways to get more followers. Look for trending topics and create content around it that goes with your brand. This way, the reach will be amplified to the followers who are following those trending hashtags and your brand will show up on their feed.

One important thing to keep in mind is not to overuse hashtags, else it can have a negative effect. Studies say using more than 2 hashtags can lead to a drop in engagement by 17%.

  1. Leverage Tools For Targeting

Targeting is easy, but targeting the right people is what becomes challenging for marketers. Apart from targeting your audience, industry influencers and amplifiers are important demographics to consider to get your message delivered.

So how to find the right influencers for your brand?

There are a lot of online tools available to help you find relevant influencers for your brand, based on the location. Some tools also help analyze data about the influencer’s followers like age, profession, income, etc to determine who would be the best fit.

  1. Tap on Influencer Marketing

If you’re looking to trend on Twitter, always ensure that the number of followers on your profile is greater than the number of accounts you follow. The engagement and involvement should not be just with the target audience. Leverage the power of influencer marketing to go viral and increase your followers.

You can collaborate with influencers for a campaign, or offer special deals or discounts as an incentive. Such promotions are also great for garnering instant appreciation and the rate of engagement will also be higher.

  1. Create Tweet Chats

Tweet chats are a fun way to engage with your current followers and attract new ones. It is like a live event on Twitter focusing on a general topic and a great way to network, engage in meaningful conversations and learn new business strategies.  To create a Tweet Chat, prepare a set of brand-related questions to ask your followers beforehand.

There should also be a designated hashtag for the tweet chats. Apart from that, a simple graphical representation to go with the question can help in more engagement.

  1. Explore Twitter Lists

With millions of tweets going out every day, it gets challenging to make sure that your tweets always reach your followers. If the navigation gets harder, Twitter lists – a curated group of Twitter accounts – can help in this regard.

Create your own list or subscribe to lists created by others. You will then be able to segregate your followers into a group, based on their type or activity. For example, make groups like new followers, influencers, retweeters, employees, etc and make a list with each of the groups. This way, sharing information, engaging with followers and getting noticed becomes a lot more streamlined and easier.

  1. A/B Testing and Analysis

A/B testing is not just restricted to ads and landing pages, but it can also be used in Twitter marketing to check engagement and conversion rates.

Test tweets based on the type – such as ones which are only textual compared to the ones accompanied with a creative, video or link. You can also do A/B testing of tweets with the same image and different copy or same copy and different image. Exploring different sets of hashtags will also be helpful.

If you have a smaller audience, you may have to post multiple times in a day for greater reach. For an account with a big audience, multiple postings is not necessary as a good number of impressions will anyway generate more engagement. Based on the analytics, you can make adjustments to the strategy.

Brands are getting more and more competitive to gain popularity on Twitter. With an understanding of Twitter’s potential and the right planning and strategy, your brand can rise above competition and get famous. We at FCS take a channel specific approach to create content that sparks conversations and gets the community engaged. Get in touch for a consultation to get your brand trending!